Saturday, August 6, 2011

in Alajuela

Right before I left to go home, I stayed with my friend Austin who lives in Alajuela, which is right next to the airport. We had some fun hanging out one last time.

So I got to try preaching in the city area, and well the people were not as friendly, a lot of people would not attend to us, or just say they were busy, it never happened when I was preaching on the coast.

Here is a picture of Austins girlfriend Tatiana, and another sister I don't remember very well.

Here is a mall we went to in Alajuela

The inside of the mall

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Last meeting in Huacas Spanish Congregation

Here are pictures of my last meeting in the Huacas Spanish congregation.

This is Brother Julio Sales. He was a very nice brother, I got to work with him in service one day, and he gave a great and very emotional talk that everyone enjoyed in my time in the Huacas congregation.

Here are two sisters that were very friendly to me giving there part.

A picture of everyone singing the song.

This is brother Luis Espinoza, he is from Nicaragua. A very friendly and kind brother that I enjoyed talking with.

Here are two sisters, the one on the left sister Lopez, and the one on the Right is sister Yasuda, she is a half portuguese half japanese sister.

This is my good friend Chris, he is from Kentucky. He served at bethel. He is very open, says it how it is, and is a great speaker.

Here is another elder in the hall, his name is brother Roy Duarte. Very friendly brother as well.

This is a Colombian friend of mine, his name is Diego Ortiz. He likes computer stuff a lot.

Here is my friend Don, he set me up with some tours my last week and taught me how to surf. He has his own company in Costa Rica if anyone is looking to go,

Here is a picture of me and Chris.

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Playa Flamingo sunset!

Here are some sunset pictures I took while I was going to play basketball with my friend Don. Its really beautiful!

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Canopy Tour Zipling

So after lots of preaching, I finally did some touristy stuff. I did a canopy tour and zip lining from tree to tree, it was a lot of fun.

Here is the group of people I went with, I just met them for the first time, a family with two kids from Georgia, and a chinese chick came.

Me zip lining for the first time

More zip lining pictures

Monday, August 1, 2011

Playa Tamarindo

This day I went to playa Tamarindo, my friend Don taught me how to surf, hopefully I will have surfing pictures later.

Here is playa Tamarindo, its very beautiful huh?

Me hanging out on the peach.

Here are the awesome ways I was about to surf on!