Friday, May 27, 2011

Matapalo Beach

After playing we soccer, we went to go swimming in Matapalo beach, which is the beach right next to the apartment I am staying at, its about a 15-20 minute walk from my apartment.

Here is Daniel and Austin going out to the beach to go swimming in the waves.

This is Max, he is from America and his dad is here helping out the congregation in Matapalo, you should here his Spanish, you would never know he was a blond hair, blue eyed kid hehe.
Those things in the tree are called pipa's, they are like green or yellow coconuts that contain water in them to drink. Anyways, the boys massacred this tree, throwing other pipas and rocks at it to get all the pipas down haha.

Here is daniel drinking a pipa, max watching him and Austin is waiting for a pipa to fall down from the tree.

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