Wednesday, June 29, 2011

English Disctrict Convention

last weekend, the English congregations in Costa Rica ( I think 5 total) had there District Convention in the capital on San Jose. The program was amazing, 3 dramas and many releases.

As most of you already know the title of this years convention is 'Let God's Kingdom Come!

These are my friends Brett and Jade. They are from Michigan. We sat together at the assembly and went out a couple of times.

Here is a wide picture of the assembly hall, like the size of a typical circuit assembly hall back in america.

Here is the right side of the assembly hall.

The outside part of the assembly hall.

This is the entrance of the assembly hall. The building looks very modest from the outside.

Me taking a picture near the parking lot entrance of the assembly hall.

The parking lot entrance.

I talked to this brother, he was watching over the parking lot. His name is Grant and he is from Minnesota.

This is my friend Ryan that lives in the same apartments as me. He gave one of the talks at the assembly. He has been in Costa Rica for 10 years.

Here is the baptism pool. They have 5 people baptized.

Here is a picture of the modern drama. Both dramas were great, but I really liked the modern drama.

Here is a picture of the full costume drama. This one was also very good!

The modern scene from the full costume drama.

*** Spoiler alert*** hehe, not really, this is the last talk, the brother showing the release of the DVD for the series about the history of JW's. We saw this coming a mile away hehe.

Here is my friend Austin again that I met in Matapalo. He lives in a city called Alajuela that is about 15 mins from the assembly hall, so I stayed at his house. Here we went out SUnday night after the assembly with his girlfriend and sister.

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Preaching in Tamarindo near the Beach!

Finally remembered to take my camera with me when I went out, and good timing too, because we were preaching right next to the beach, doing mainly business territory, but there were a few houses as well. The area is called Tamarindo, its great to learn surfing, and there are a lot of tourist visiting here, thus they have an English Congregation here.

When we got to the territory we met outside this big shopping center area. They have a mac store, a bank and restaurants and ect.

This brother here is named Luis Espinoza, and that is his wife. They are from Nicaragua. I worked with him most of the day in service, he was very kind and friendly.

Here is me standing near the beach, preaching as usual.

Here is a picture of a little inland part of the beach, you can see the waves in the background.

Luis recommend taking a picture of this gated community outside sign. We went to talk to the guard to leave him some literature, but no one was there hehe.

Here is Luis leaving the gated community. The nature is pretty beautiful around him huh?

Here are the sisters on the otherside of the street preaching. The one waving is a french sister. She speak English, Spanish, and obviosuly french. She is here with her family and is very interesting to talk to, the other two sisters I don't know much about haha.

Here is a shot of the Tamarindo beach. I just got to look at it, but pretty soon I will be back to swim in it, maybe try some surfing. They have a lot of places to take lessons, and this area is good for beginners they say.

Here is Luis on his way back from preaching. My buddy that lives in the same apartments as me, namded Ryan, he is on the right.

Here at the end of preaching we saw this Lizard, it looks like an Iguana, but its a little bit smaller and has a different name, I don't remember.

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

MISC Huacas Pics

Here are some miscellaneous pictures I have taken in my time staying here in Juacas.

This brother named Miguel Diaz, stayed the night at my house. He was the visiting speaker the following day. He is from Spain, and has been serving in Costa Rica for quite some time. He gave a talk here in the picture at my kingdom hall about Noe and the flood.

This is a random picture I took of this Iguana hiding inside the roof of the apartments I am staying at. There are Iguana's all over this country, on the lose.

Here are some beef Nacho's I made. They came out pretty good. This country and every latin American country has never heard of pinto beans apparently, no one here has ever heard of them, let alone do they have them, so I had to make my nachos with black beans. The can is a beer of Pilsen, its a Costa Rican beer, kind of light, so far its my favorite.

Friday, June 17, 2011

My new place in Huacas

So I moved to Huacas area. Its pretty nice, its not as jungly as the Matapalo area, but its very beautiful.

This is a shot of my backyard.

Here is another shot of the backyard.

The brothers apartments I am staying at has a huge backyard, he has a little shed right there for his business.

Usually in this area and in those trees are usually monkeys, and man do they make a lout sound.

Here is the ouside of my apartment, its green, to the right and left of me are other apartments and the brothers house, who owns the apartments.

Monday, June 13, 2011

Goodbye Matapalo

So, I left Matapalo early Monday morning and headed for the city of Huacas, which is near Guanacaste. Here is the place I was living at for 1 month in Matapalo.

Sunday, June 12, 2011

MISC Matapalo pics

Hey everyone, sorry for no updates recently. I've gotten pretty comfortable in my new place, so haven't been taking too many pics... but I have a few to share. These are probably my last pics in Matapalo, as I will be leaving for another part on Monday.

Here is a picture of the ongoing Kingdom Hall construction, here is almost finished to use.

We saw this dead bug on the tree in service. It was pretty nasty, I think it died from the heat cause it was all dried out.

Here are costa rican Nachos. I don't think they had any cheese on them, and they used black beans. They were pretty good, still prefer mexican nachos of course.

This was out in service, Brett is standing next to two puppies we saw.

We had to cross this bridge to get to a house.

Here is a picture of what walking around in our territory looks like, pretty beautiful huh?

So everyone here is facinated with Japanese culture, since they don't seem to know much about it and they have been asking me many questions about it, including, can you make sushi, so they had me teach them how to make tuna roles. Only like my 3rd time doing it, but they came out pretty good!

Here is a picture of me and Daniel preaching in which was probably my last time in Matapalo since I will be leaving tomorrow.

This is a picture right after my last meeting in Matapolo. We had a lot of studies visiting. The meeting was packed.

So this is what our kingdom hall looks like in Matapolo after being completed. There is Mateo (Matt), the last person getting ready to leave.

Friday, June 3, 2011

Damas Island Mangrove Tour

So I finally got the chance to do something very touristy. I got invited to go on a Mangrove Tour near the Island of Damas. A mangrove is a tree grows in muddy, tropical coastal swamps they typically have numerous tangled roots above ground. Anyways the tour was a lot of fun, and as you can see from the many pictures below I got to see many beautiful things of nature that Jehovah God created.
Here is the group of brothers I went with, Megan and Victoria on the left, and this new couple that is visiting us from Texas for two months to help out Jade and Brett.

This is the Tour guide, Marcos. He is an elder in the Quepos congregation and works for Iguana Tours. He gave the talk last week in our congregation and offered to give Megan and Victoria a free tour, and I got invited to tag a along! Lucky me.

This is the boat we took to go on the tour, everyone is happy and excited to begin the tour!
As we were going through the swaps, this is what the scenery looked like, the trees to the left and to the right are the Mangrove trees.

Here is a picture of a grab we saw, his back looks like the face of a tiger.

Here is the area when we got out of the swamp.

This is Manuel Antonio off from a distance, and to the right you can see waves coming in from the ocean.

Here are some houses right next to the lake area. Apparently the brother go preaching there by boat I believe.

This part was pretty awesome, we spotted two monky's and they came very close to us, because our tour guide was teasing them with banana's. He would throw it on the roof of the boat and the monkey jumped on top of our boat to get the banana.

Here he is eating the banana he got. Its pretty amazing to sight to see in person.

Here is part of the lake area we went to, with a beautiful scene I had to take a picture of.

This is our tour guide showing off the fish he had caught.

Here is a picture of a baby bird in a next.
The white thing in the picture is a frog. The brother had really good eyes to spot this frog. He is called the gladiator frog.
This is an Iguana I saw next to the tour guide place at the end of the tour, fittingly, I saw an Iguana in a tour place called Iguana Tours.

After leaving the tour we went to eat at a restaurant in Quepos and I had Ceviche with plantains.