Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Preaching in Tamarindo near the Beach!

Finally remembered to take my camera with me when I went out, and good timing too, because we were preaching right next to the beach, doing mainly business territory, but there were a few houses as well. The area is called Tamarindo, its great to learn surfing, and there are a lot of tourist visiting here, thus they have an English Congregation here.

When we got to the territory we met outside this big shopping center area. They have a mac store, a bank and restaurants and ect.

This brother here is named Luis Espinoza, and that is his wife. They are from Nicaragua. I worked with him most of the day in service, he was very kind and friendly.

Here is me standing near the beach, preaching as usual.

Here is a picture of a little inland part of the beach, you can see the waves in the background.

Luis recommend taking a picture of this gated community outside sign. We went to talk to the guard to leave him some literature, but no one was there hehe.

Here is Luis leaving the gated community. The nature is pretty beautiful around him huh?

Here are the sisters on the otherside of the street preaching. The one waving is a french sister. She speak English, Spanish, and obviosuly french. She is here with her family and is very interesting to talk to, the other two sisters I don't know much about haha.

Here is a shot of the Tamarindo beach. I just got to look at it, but pretty soon I will be back to swim in it, maybe try some surfing. They have a lot of places to take lessons, and this area is good for beginners they say.

Here is Luis on his way back from preaching. My buddy that lives in the same apartments as me, namded Ryan, he is on the right.

Here at the end of preaching we saw this Lizard, it looks like an Iguana, but its a little bit smaller and has a different name, I don't remember.

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