Sunday, June 12, 2011

MISC Matapalo pics

Hey everyone, sorry for no updates recently. I've gotten pretty comfortable in my new place, so haven't been taking too many pics... but I have a few to share. These are probably my last pics in Matapalo, as I will be leaving for another part on Monday.

Here is a picture of the ongoing Kingdom Hall construction, here is almost finished to use.

We saw this dead bug on the tree in service. It was pretty nasty, I think it died from the heat cause it was all dried out.

Here are costa rican Nachos. I don't think they had any cheese on them, and they used black beans. They were pretty good, still prefer mexican nachos of course.

This was out in service, Brett is standing next to two puppies we saw.

We had to cross this bridge to get to a house.

Here is a picture of what walking around in our territory looks like, pretty beautiful huh?

So everyone here is facinated with Japanese culture, since they don't seem to know much about it and they have been asking me many questions about it, including, can you make sushi, so they had me teach them how to make tuna roles. Only like my 3rd time doing it, but they came out pretty good!

Here is a picture of me and Daniel preaching in which was probably my last time in Matapalo since I will be leaving tomorrow.

This is a picture right after my last meeting in Matapolo. We had a lot of studies visiting. The meeting was packed.

So this is what our kingdom hall looks like in Matapolo after being completed. There is Mateo (Matt), the last person getting ready to leave.

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